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热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC

城市公交查询系统的设计与实现(ASP.NET C#)


摘 要
城市公交查询系统开发技术采用的是基于.NET的B/S架构,它的前端选用ASP.NET为主要的编程框架,其.ASPX文件包含组成用户界面的 HTML 文本和控件,而后台选用了C#编程语言。用.NET编程的最大好处在于易于管理和重用性比较高。数据库选用的是SQL Server 2000,而应用程序通过ADO.NET与SQL Server 2000数据库建立链接,并且运用SQL 语言实现对其数据库进行操作。在此系统中,大量采用了存储过程来对数据库进行操作。


The Design and Realization of City Bus Inquiry System Based on .NET
With the rapid development of Internet, the Internet has become an important channel of people acquiring, publishing and transmitting information and obviously become one part of social life. But Chinas technology of urban public transport information inquiry is still in a relatively backward level. The numerous citizens have a little access to acquire the information about bus lines. The most common ways are confined to traffic maps or the reference to stranger. And the urban public transport system is designed for people to inquire of all lines in the Internet conveniently and simply and get to know every site that they passed away in order to make their plans more efficiently. The main module of this system is the bus information query module. Its functions include line inquiry, site inquiry, station-to-station inquiry and station inquiry. The system management module mainly realizes the functional operation on adding, editing, deleting of all data tables and responses to the message correspondingly.


The development technology of the city bus inquiry system adopt B/S framework based on .NET. Its front-end part uses ASP.NET as the major framework. The .ASPX file contains HTML text and controls which make up of user interface. The back-end chooses C# as its programming language. The greatest benefit of choosing .NET to programming is the easy managements and reusability. Database uses the SQL Server 2000, and the application accesses the database by ADO.NET and uses SQL language to operate the database. The stored procedure is used a lot to operate the database in the system. [版权所有:http://think58.com]

Key words: Internet City Bus inquiries .NET Stored Procedure.
目  录
1引言 1
1.1 城市公交查询系统的前景 1
1.2 城市公交查询系统的作用 2
2城市公交查询系统的实现技术和工具 2
2.1 ASP.NET 2
2.1.1 什么是ASP.NET 2
2.1.2 .NET Framework概述 2
2.1.3 ASP.NET的特点 3
2.2 C# 4
2.3 ADO.NET对象操作数据库 4
2.4 SQL Server 2000 5
2.5 Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 5
3 城市公交车查询系统的分析与设计 5
3.1 需求分析 5
3.2 概要设计 6
3.2.1 系统功能描述 6
3.2.2 系统功能模块划分 6
3.2.3 系统流程设计 8
3.2.4 系统E-R图 10
4 数据库结构设计与实现 12
4.1 数据表的创建 12
4.2 数据库的连接 13
4.3 存储过程 14
5 城市公交查询系统的实现 15
5.1 系统首页 15
5.2 后台管理界面 18
6 系统测试 23
6.1 测试用户查询模块 23
6.2 测试系统管理模块 23
6.3 测试留言簿管理 24
结    论 25
参考文献 25 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
致   谢 26
声   明 27 [版权所有:http://think58.com]

(3)站点、车次管理:可以对站点、车次基本信息和车次次序信息进行添加、删除和编辑等操作。而且它们各自都含有一个搜索引擎,这样可以快速的查询出你想要修改的站点或车次等信息,此搜索引擎采用的是模糊查找。 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
在留言簿模块中,用户可以不需要注册直接在网上进行留言,也可以对某一特定地留言标题进行回复货讨论,也可以通过留言簿查看自己曾经留言过的信息。 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]

部分预览图: [来源:http://www.think58.com]

