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CAPTCHA RecognitionBase on Machine Learning
Abstract:CAPTCHA, as a fully automated Turing test that distinguishes between computers and humans, is an important technology widely used to distinguish between humans and computers. In the fast-developing environment of modern networks, CAPTCHA play an indispensable role in protecting network security. CAPTCHA effectively prevents the robot from massive malicious attacks on web pages. CAPTCHArecognition technology helps to improve the security of the CAPTCHA and plays an indispensable role in improving modern network security. This article no longer needs to remove noise, segmentation, re-identification and then unified operation with the traditional CAPTCHA recognition technology. Instead, it chooses to add the convolutional neural network (CNN) and directly end-to-end recognizeCAPTCHA without dividing the image. More efficient and easier to deal with complex CAPTCHA.This paper uses python's captcha library to generate a large number ofcaptcha images as data sets, using a 3-layer convolutional layer 3 layer pooling layer 1 layer fully connected layer convolutional neural network for training, while using sigmoid activation function and softmax activation respectively. The function trains two different models in two different ways, compares the training results with each other, selects the model trained by the better activation function as the final verification code recognition model and tests the training effect of the model.



1前言    1
2相关研究    2
2.1验证码发展历史    2
2.2验证码的破解    3
2.3 人工神经网络的发展    4
2.4小结    5
3 基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的验证码识别    5
3.1 理论基础    6
3.2 准备训练的验证码图像数据集    7
3.3 图片预处理    7
3.4 定义卷积神经网络    8
3.4.1 第一层卷积和池化    9
3.4.2 第二层卷积和池化    9
3.4.3 第三层卷积和池化    9
3.4.4 全连接层    9
3.5模型训练    10
3.5.1 sigmoid激活函数    10
3.5.2 SoftMax激活函数    11
3.6 模型测试及验证码识别    12
3.7 可拓展的验证码识别    12
3.8 小结    13 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
4实验结果    13
4.1 训练及测试结果    13
4.1.1 sigmoid激活函数的训练情况    13
4.1.2 SoftMax激活函数的训练情况    14
4.2 验证码识别情况    15
4.3小结    18
5结论    18
6讨论    19
参考文献    19
致谢    21 [来源:http://think58.com]