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The research of the development of the trust industry in China
摘 要
第三章和第四章是全文的重点。第三章提出问题,对当前中国信托业发展所面临的困境具体有哪些从内、外部因素两个方面进行相应的总结和分析,力求从宏观、微观角度完整地找出问题的症结所在。第四章从自身努力和外部支持两个主要方面,针对上一章困境所在,提出自己针对性的部分解决思路,着重信托业在利用自身横跨资本市场、货币市场和产业市场优势的条件下如何进一步加强与其他金融行业的合作,从而发挥多元化投资和最具混业特色功能特征的真正作用。 [资料来源:http://think58.com]

The research of the development of the trust industry in China
This paper gives us the basic and simple analysis on trust industry development in China's history, present situation and future direction from the basic concept of trust and its unique attributes and puts forward the author's some personal opinions.
The article consists of four chapters:
The first chapter is introduction. It explains the definition of trust, the function and the characteristics of this concept.It mainly introduces the business scope of the trust industry in China, the development environment and financial supervision. Based on the analysis of the unique function of trust and combined with China's macroeconomic and financial market prospect, we can draw the conclusion that the trust industry has a great potential in China's market. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
The second chapter is China's trust industry development stage.It Mainly introduces two parts. One is to summarize the trust industry development history in China, mainly introduces that the trust industry has experienced five times national rectifications since the reform and opening up. This five times brought the effective adjustment and maintenance to the trust industry development, but also made the trust industry suffered a damage social image and brought a certain degree of negative effect on its future development. The second is to introduce present management situation of China's trust industry. It mainly describes the development situation of China's trust industry in nearly two years after “A method of two gauge "on the institutional framework was worked,including industry total assets, institutions and personnel quantity, performance and main content.
The third chapter and the fourth chapter is the focus of the full text. The third chapter puts forward problem, the current China's trust industry development makes on the corresponding summary and analysis on the difficulties come from two aspects of internal and external factors, and strive to fully find out the cause of the problem from the macro and micro Angle. The fourth chapter puts forward one specific part of the solution to the problems in the previous chapter bases on the two aspects of their own efforts and external support, and focuses on the use of their own industries across the capital market, money market and industrial market advantages conditions to strengthen the cooperation with other financial industry, thus giving the diversified investment and the mixed characteristic function features of the real action. [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
The main contribution of the paper lies in:it has done  a systematic study on the development of China's trust industry in recent years,. we must solve the problem mainly exist in the trust industry,from the point of view of the practical rather than theoretical analysis and then find the corresponding solutionimprove that the further development of the trust industry in China in the future to start a discussion.
Due to my limited, there is not comprehensive and deserves further discussion place in this paper, I would urge experts and teachers feel free.to spare your comments.

Keywords: trust industry, development and research

目    录
前   言    1
第一章 导论    2
第一节 信托的概念、职能和特点    2
第二节 信托业的经营范围    6
第三节 中国信托业的发展环境    7
第四节 中国信托业的监管    9
第二章 中国信托业发展阶段    10 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
第一节 20 世纪的中国信托业    10
第二节 信托业经营现状    12
第三章 中国信托业发展所面临的困境    13
第一节 阻碍中国信托业发展的外部因素    13
第二节 阻碍中国信托业发展的内部因素    16
第四章 中国信托业的努力方向    17
第一节 信托业发展需要国家和社会的大力支持    17
第二节 信托公司要加强自身建设    18
第三节 信托业应加强与外资和同业的合作    21
参考文献    25
