计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
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摘    要

关键字:自适应滤波器;设计;构思;    matlab仿真

This paper analyses the basic work theory, performance of traditional filter and adaptive filter based on the property of random noise, and introduce the status quo and the foreground of filter technology. Then we explain basic theory of wiener filter and basic structure model of adaptive filter, and combine the method of steepest descent to deduce the LMS. Afterward according to the MSE rule, we design a limited length transversal filter, and implement by MATLAB. And then we validate performance of adaptive LMS filter by restoring images, Test result show that the quality of the degrade images were improved under the rule of MSE. Finally, we compare the performance of adaptive LMS filter and iterative wiener filter.We also simply analyses the wiener2 () which is a adaptive filter in MATLAB.


Keywords: Adaptive filter; design; design; MATLAB simulation
1绪论    1
1.1引言    1
1.2研究目标及现状    1
1.2.1图像复原技术的目标    1
1.2.2图像复原技术的研究现状    1
2.理论基础    3
2.1基本自适应滤波器的模块结构    3
2.2基本维纳滤波原理    4
3 自适应滤波原理及算法    7
3.1 横向滤波结构的最陡下降算法    7
3.1.1 最陡下降算法的原理    7
3.1.2 最陡下降算法稳定性    10
3.2  LMS滤波原理及算法    12
3.2.1 从最陡下降法导出LMS算法    12
3.2.2  基本LMS算法的实现步骤    12
3.2.3  基本LMS算法的实现流程图    13
3.2.4  LMS算法的Matlab实现wiener2()的原理    13
3.2.5  wiener2()的原理    14


3.2.6 LMS性能分析——自适应收敛性    15
4  Matlab实验结果    16
4.1    LMS滤波器的收敛性    16
4.2LMS滤波器和频域迭代维纳滤波器的性能比较    18
总结    19
致谢    21
参考文献    22
附录A    23
附录B    24
附录C    31