计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘  要
设计的主要内容包括:方案设计、照明系统设计,综合布线系统设计,动力系统设计,以及接地防雷设计的计算书以及一套完整的设计图纸。该办公楼由总配电箱至楼层分配电箱采用放射式供电,电缆通过电井和开水间内的金属桥架引至楼上各层。对于负荷不明确或者可能进行后期装修的场所,本次设计只做到预留配电箱。对于电梯机房,应急中心,监控中心,消防稳压泵应采用双电源供电。照明设计时,复印间,会议室,档案室,总经理室等场所采用T5型荧光灯吸顶安装。大厅,走廊,卫生间,咖啡厅等公共场所采用吸顶灯。进行照明布灯时,要充分考虑周围环境,合理布灯,达到节能减排的目的。屋顶电梯机房单独设置一个照明配电箱及动力配电箱,并采取双电源供电。综合布线设计,由室外分别引进一路网络总进线(8芯多模光纤),一路电话总进线,一路有限电视总进线,经过楼层配线架,沿弱电桥架引至各楼层工作间。防雷设计时,沿屋顶四周女儿墙及突出屋顶部分敷设一圈避雷带,采用直径为10的镀锌圆钢。然后在屋顶中间相应位置铺设避雷带,将屋顶划分成不大于20x20的避雷网格。利用建筑物柱子做防雷引下线,引下线间距不大于20米。洗手间,电梯井,开水间等场所需要做局部等电位联结,在进线管道较密集处设置总等电位端接箱。局部等电位端接箱应和总等电位端接箱做可靠地电气联结。 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
关键字:电气设计   照明   综合布线    防雷

China port of dispatch center office building strong and weak electricity engineering design
This graduation design is mainly to China port dispatch center office building electrical parts design, the office building as the three buildings, covers an area of about 4864 square meters, the floor five layer, building height is about 17 meters.
Design main content includes: project design, lighting system design, integrated wiring system design, power system design, grounding and lightning protection design calculation, and a complete set of design drawings. The office building by the total distribution box to floor distribution box, power is supplied by radial cables by electricity within the metal bridge between Wells and water to each layer upstairs. The load is not clear or may be late, this design only accomplish reserve distribution box. For the elevator room, emergency center, monitoring center, fire pump voltage double power supply should be adopted. Lighting design, copy room, conference rooms, archives, the place such as general manager room type T5 fluorescent lamp is installed. Hall, corridor, toilet, cafes and other public places using absorb dome light. Lighting cloth lamp, should fully consider the surrounding environment, reasonable cloth lamp, achieve the goal of energy conservation and emissions reduction.Roof elevator machine room alone a lighting distribution box, power distribution box, and adopt double power supply. Integrated wiring design, introduced separately by the outdoor network always all the way into the line (8 core multimode fiber), call the into the line all the way, all the cable the into the line, after floor distribution frame, along the weak current bridge leads to the workshop floor. Lightning protection design, along the roof parapet around and prominent part of laying a circle lightning protection zone, with a diameter of 10 galvanized round steel. Then the corresponding position in the middle of the roof laying lightning protection zone, the roof is divided into no more than 20 x20 lightning protection of the grid. Use a building pillars for lightning protection downlead, down lead spacing is not more than 20 meters. The bathroom, the elevator well, water and other places needs to be done between local equipotential connection, in a setting into the line pipe is relatively dense total equipotential connection box. Local equipotential termination box with total equipotential termination box do reliable electrical connection. [来源:http://think58.com]
Key words: electric lighting integrated wiring lightning protection design

根据计算年预计雷击次数,确定该建筑物的防雷等级为三级防雷。在檐口和女儿墙处明敷20x20镀锌扁铁避雷网,支架为每米一个,在建筑四角离地0.5m处预留接地专用接线盒,备测试接地电阻用,必要时在地下0.8m处加打接地体,接地电阻以实测不大于1欧姆为合格。防雷引下线就近与接地金属体环通,引下线平均间距不大于20m。 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]


目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II [资料来源:THINK58.com]
第一章  方案设计    1
第二章  一层照明设计    2
2.1照度与照明方式选择    2
2.1.1 照明照度设计标准    2
2.1  复印间(新风机房)照明设计    2
2.2  客户服务区照明设计    4
2.3大厅照明设计    6
2.4  接待区的照明设计    7
第三章  二层照明设计    9
3.1客户档案照明设计    10
3.2  应急中心照明设计    11
3.3  监控中心照明设计    13
3.4  客户热线照明设计    14
第四章  三层照明设计    16
4.1  工程档案照明设计    16
4.2  绘图资料照明设计    17
4.3  会议室照明设计    19
4.4  休息厅,咖啡厅照明设计    20
4.5  政府关系区照明设计    21
第五章 四层照明设计    24 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
5.1  财务档案照明设计    24
5.2  IT机房照明设计    25
5.4  财务会计照明设计    28
5.5  通讯,材料预决算区照明设计    29
5.6 大会议室照明设计    31
第六章 五层照明设计    33
6.3  副总经理室照明设计    35
6.3  财务总监照明设计    37
6.4  总经理室的照明设计    38
第七章  照明电气设计    41
7.1  一层配电箱设计    41
7.1.1  1AL1箱    41
第八章  防雷设计    46
第九章  综合布线方案设计    47
参考文献    50
致 谢    51
