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摘  要

Research on Traffic Congestion Control from the Perspective of Public Transport
For a long time, China has not paid enough attention to the development of public transport, and has not been effective in dealing with traffic congestion. This paper studies various congestion control strategies and measures from the perspective of public transport priority, providing theoretical basis and practical guidance for alleviating traffic congestion in cities at all levels in China.


This paper analyses the causes of urban congestion from the perspective of supply and demand as well as management, and analyses the shortcomings of traditional methods of governance. It points out that the key to solve the problem is to control traffic congestion from the perspective of public transport.
This paper interprets the concept of public transport priority, analyses the experience of foreign countries in the development of public transport priority, and summarizes four aspects of the development of public transport priority: overall development, public transport services, policy support and public transport facilities. It also decomposes the evaluation indicators of public transport cities from these four aspects to provide guidance for the development of public transport priority.
Finally, based on the causes of public transport congestion and the concept of public transport priority, this paper studies the measures of public transport congestion control from four aspects: types of public transport, public transport facilities, government intervention and guidance, and public transport intellectualization, and chooses Jiangyin as an example for analysis.


Key words: urban traffic, public transport, public transport priority, traffic congestion, congestion management

摘  要    I
Abstract    II
目录    III
第一章 绪论    1
1.1选题背景和意义    1
1.1.1选题背景    1
1.1.2选题意义    1
1.2国内外的研究内容    1
1.2.1国外的研究内容    1
1.2.2国内的研究内容    2
1.2.3总结分析    4
1.3研究内容    4
1.3.1交通拥堵机理分析研究    4
1.3.2公交优先解读分析研究    4
1.3.3公交治堵方法总结    4
1.3.4.公交治堵方法的应用——以江阴为例    5
1.4研究方法    6
1.5研究路线    8
第二章 交通拥堵机理分析研究    9
2.1交通拥堵原理解读    9 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
2.2需求增长因素分析    9
2.2.1居民出行方式不合理    9
2.2.2城市功能分布不合理    11
2.3供给短缺因素分析    11
2.3.1城市道路网结构不合理    11
2.3.2城市交通方式单一    12
2.4交通管理因素分析    12
2.5传统的治理拥堵措施以及不足    13
2.5.1限制私家车使用    13
2.5.3增加拥堵路段的交通供给    14
2.6本章小结    14
第三章 公交优先解读分析研究    15
3.1.公交优先概念解读    15
3.2国外公交优先发展经验    15
3.2.1英国    15
3.2.2德国    16
3.2.3新加坡    17
3.2.4小结    17
3.3国内公交优先发展经验    18
第四章 公交治堵方法研究    20
4.1扩展公交种类    20
4.1.1地铁    20


4.1.2有轨电车    21
4.1.3快速公交系统    22
4.2 完善公交设施    23
4.2.1完善公交枢纽    23
4.2.2 完善公交专用道    23
4.3 政府干预与政策引导    25
4.3.1政府主导,优化城市功能分布    25
4.3.2政策引导公交出行    26
4.3.3财政支持公交建设    26
4.3.4法规保护公交秩序    26
4.4发展智能公共交通系统    27
4.4.1公交服务智能化    27
4.4.2公交管理智能化    27
第五章 公交治堵方法应用——以江阴为例    28
5.1江阴市交通拥堵的现状    28
5.1.1交通需求快速增长    28
5.1.2道路拓展趋于饱和    29
5.1.3 人口向中心集聚    30
5.2江阴市交通拥堵的特征    31
5.2.1混行现象严重    31
5.2.2违法乱停现象严重    31


5.2.3道路资源缺乏    32
5.3江阴市公共交通的现状    32
5.3.1公共交通种类单一    32
5.3.2 公交场站与枢纽不完善    34
5.4 公交治堵方法应用    35
5.4.1扩展公共交通的种类    35
5.4.3 提高公共交通可达性    36
5.4.4完善公交设施     37
5.4.5政府投资与政策干预    38
第六章 总结与展望    39
6.1主要研究成果    39
6.2研究展望    39
致  谢    42 [版权所有:http://think58.com]