计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



本设计能够以动态扫描的方式滚动显示汉字,把字符内码存储在空闲的单片机程序存储器空间,支持所有的国标字符和ASCII标准字符的显示及自定义图片的显示。 [来源:http://think58.com]
关键词: AT89C52  电子显示屏  系统设计  实现 

This design describes the system of intelligent electronic display (LED) display hardware and software realization principle and effect LED intelligent electronic display system set computer science and technology, communication principle, circuit basis and other knowledge of scientific and technological content of higher products. I designed and produced 16 x 16LED smart electronic display, as one of the integrated experiments of SCM, and achieved good results
The design of the micro controller (AT89C52) as the core, with the necessary peripheral circuits to achieve the effect of. System consists of MCU control, display driver circuit LED dot matrix screen consists of three parts. LED screen is composed of 4 blocks of size 20mm * 20MM * 8LED 8 common anode dot matrix module, power supply using USB interface power supply. Line data from the microcontroller P1, P3 output, column scanning transistor amplifier current, increase the strength of scanning, improve the dot matrix screen brightness. Single chip microcomputer control electronic display 8 16 x 16 specifications of the Chinese characters, through the medwin development environment, font extraction software conversion Chinese characters 16 hex mode, serial transmission to the AT89C52,with the necessary peripheral circuit to drive the 16 * 16 dot matrix LED display and simulation results show the use of simulation software proteus.


The LED display can be a dynamic scan mode scrolling display Chinese characters, the character code stored in the microcontroller program memory free space, support all thegb2312 standard ASCII characters and characters of the display and custom picture.
Keyword:AT89C52  Electronic display screen  System design  Realization



1  绪论    1


   1.1  LED智能电子显示屏概述    1
   1.2  LED电子显示屏的分类    2
   1.3  LED智能电子显示屏的发展历程及研究意义    3
2  智能电子显示屏结构的设计及显示原理    5
   2.1  LED点阵模块结构    5
   2.2  系统主要原理    6
      2.2.1  LED灯管发光原理    6
      2.2.2  汉字编码原理    8
   2.3  LED常见的控制方式    9
3  硬件电路设计    11
   3.1  单片机概述    11
   3.2  16×16LED点阵显示制作    13
      3.2.1  16×16LED点阵的内部结构及工作原理    13
      3.2.2  用8×8LED点阵构成16×16LED点阵    14

      3.2.3  控制器接口定义    15
   3.3  PCB线路板及 LED显示电路原理图    16
      3.3.1  PCB线路板的制作    16
      3.3.2  驱动电路及原理图    18
4  字模生成    20
   4.1  字模简介    20
      4.1.1  LED显示屏领域字模实现技术    22
      4.1.2  软件控制系统字模提取的分析与设计    22
   4.2  字模存储技术    23
   4.3  字库生成    23
5  软件设计    25
   5.1  程序设计总体思路和结构    25
      5.1.1  程序设计总体思路    25
      5.1.2  程序流程图    25 [来源:http://think58.com]
      5.1.3  程序编写软件简介    26
   5.2  各模块程序设计    27
      5.2.1  系统初始化程序    27
      5.2.2  LED动态显示程序    27
      5.2.3  汉字显示程序    28
结论    29
致谢    30
参考文献    31
附录    32 [来源:http://www.think58.com]