计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC




The tunnel length of the Chejialing tunnel is 189m, the import mileage is DK238+137, and the export mileage is DK238+326. The speed of the tunnel passing train is 160Km/h. In this design, I will proceed as follows: 1. Determine the position of the tunnel entrance and complete the design of the door structure; 2. Selection and verification of the lining; 3. Perform construction organization design, etc. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
My design is based on the actual engineering data of the Chejialing tunnel to carry out the tunnel design. To this end, I will design in accordance with the following step by step, step-by-step: The first thing to do is to read the engineering geological prospectus of the Chejialing tunnel. A clear understanding of the tunnel is given in his brain and his thoughts. The location of the entrance to the tunnel is selected, and the theoretical formula is checked after the use of the wall-end portal to check the strength and stability of the tunnel and meet the requirements of the standard. The selection of the tunnel lining is carried out, and the profile of the cross section and the dimensions of each part are preliminarily determined according to the requirements of the design specification. Then the loads acting on the tunnel structure are calculated, and the lining structure design, calculation and inspection of the third and fourth grade surrounding rocks are performed. Calculate the internal force of the lining using Rizheng tunnel lining design software; Finally, according to what I designed, including the import and export maps, lining diagrams and hole diagrams, use the design drawing software to draw 3-4 drawings of A2, in addition Hand-painted one as required. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
Key Words:single railway tunnel; tunnel door; lining; structure calculation; construction organization;

1.3 隧道的工程概况
1.3.1 地貌特征
车家岭隧道出露地层从新而老为:1、Qel+dl黏土夹碎石,黄褐色,硬塑,厚0~2m;2、寒武系(∈3hz)耗子沱群灰岩、白云质灰岩互层,灰白色~灰色,局部夹泥质条带和方解石脉,弱风化,中厚层状,岩层产状:110º∠ 33º~200º∠ 13º。岩体节理裂隙较发育,主要存在两组:1)节理面产状:225º∠85º,0.3~0.6m/条,裂隙宽3~5mm,缝内无充填,2)节理面产状:305º∠ 85º,0.3~1.2m/条,裂隙宽2~5mm,缝内无充填。灰岩局部被溶蚀为5~20cm的沟槽,黏土充填。岩层呈单斜构造,局部有揉皱现象。



摘要    1
Abstract    2
第一章绪论    3
1.1国内发展现状    3
1.2研究目的和意义    3
1.3 隧道的工程概况    4
1.3.1 地貌特征    4
1.3.2地层岩性    4
1.3.3水文地质条件    4
1.3.4不良条件    4
1.3.5工程地质条件    4
第二章车家岭隧道主体结构设计    6
2.1设计遵循的规范    6
2.2隧道位置选择    6


2.3隧道洞口位置选择:    6
2.4隧道的平、纵断面设计    7
2.4.1隧道平面设计    7
2.4.2隧道纵断面设计    8
2.5隧道建筑限界及衬砌内轮廓设计    8
第三章隧道洞门设计    10
3.1 洞门设计形式选择及尺寸拟定    10
3.2进出口洞门建筑材料    10
3.3洞门验算图    11
3.4检算条带“I”    12
3.3.1土压力的计算    13
3.4.2稳定性及强度检算    15
3.5 检算条带“II”    16
3.5.1土压力的计算    16
3.5.2 滑动稳定的验算    17
3.6 检验条带“III”    17
3.6.1 土压力的计算    17
3.6.2稳定性及强度的检算    17
第四章防水与排水设计    20
4.1隧道防水排水设计方案    20
4.2隧道防水排水设计原则    20

4.3堵水措施    20
4.4排水措施    20
第五章隧道衬砌设计    21
5.1隧道衬砌类型的选择    21
5.1.1 衬砌与支护类型    21
5.1.2隧道衬砌类型的选定    21
5.2初期支护设计    23
5.3二次衬砌设计    24
第六章衬砌结构检算    25
6.1围岩压力的确定    25
6.2计算方法    27
6.2.1三级围岩参数设置    28
6.2.2计算结果    32
6.2.3四级围岩参数设置    37
6.3衬砌截面强度检算    45
第七章施工组织设计    46
7.1编制原则和依据    46
7.2施工方法的选择    46
7.3开挖方法的选择    47
7.4衬砌的施工    48
7.5排水    49
7.6隧道避车洞设计    49
7.7工程量计算    50


第八章设计总结    51
参考文献    52
第九章致谢    54