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Preschool education is an important part of our education system and it is also an important stage of education for preschool children. ADHD is a kind of child behavior disorder commonly seen in children's growth and development. It usually affects young children and mainly manifests as symptoms such as hyperactivity, excitement, and crying. This is also a condition that needs special attention in early childhood education and needs to be properly corrected through different teaching methods. This article takes nursery nursery school as a case school to study ADHD and its teaching methods. First of all, it introduces the background and significance of the research, and the current situation of domestic and foreign scholars' research. Secondly, it describes the relevant overview, definitions and characteristics of children with multiple athesia. Etc. Furthermore, research and analysis are carried out on the status quo of correctional education of children with ADHD in the current nursery nursery schools; finally, the problems in the ADHD correction teaching methods in the nursery nursery schools are proposed to improve the corrective effect on children with ADHD. [资料来源:THINK58.com]

Key words: ADHD; Nursery Nursery School; Corrections; Problems and Suggestions

第1章 引言    1
1.1  研究背景及意义    1
1.1.1 研究背景    1
1.1.2 研究意义    1
1.2  国内外研究现状    1
1.2.1 国外研究现状    1
1.2.2 国内研究现状    2
1.3  研究方法    2
第2章 儿童多动症相关理论概述    3
2.1  儿童多动症的含义    3
2.2  儿童多动症的特点    3
2.3  多动与好动的区别    3
第3章  育苗幼儿学校对多动症儿童教学现状    5
3.1  育苗幼儿学校简介    5
3.2  教学中对多动症儿童教学方法的现状    5
3.2.1 教学中多动症儿童的判断现状    5
3.2.2 多动症儿童的矫正教学现状    6
3.2.3 学校在后续的教学中的矫正方案    6 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
第4章  儿童多动症在行为矫正的教学问题分析    8
4.1  教师比例不高,对儿童多动症的判断不严谨    8
4.2  对儿童多动症的矫正方案过于形式化    8
4.3  对儿童多动症的跟进教育方案较简化    9
第5章  儿童多动症行为矫正教学方法的对策分析    10
5.1  加强教师在儿童多动症矫正的专业培养    10
5.1.1 建立判断儿童多动症的流程    10
5.1.2 加强对教师在行为多动症教学方面培养    10
5.2  提高矫正教学的专业性和针对性    11
5.2.2 联合家长进行多方面共同矫正    11
5.2.1 培养良好的习惯与学习兴趣    11
5.3  加强多动症儿童矫正的跟进方案    11
第6章 结论    13
参考文献    14
致谢    16 [资料来源:THINK58.com]