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第五章, 通过SWOT分析,对EP雅莹的品牌推广策略进行了系统的诊断和分析,进而提出了改进建议。
关键词:EP雅莹  中国本土时装  品牌推广策略 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Chinese local fashion brand promotion strategy
—— A Case Study of EP Ya Ying
With the rapid development of economic and new media, demand of people for fashion is more personalization and the competition of Chinese fashion market is more competitive. At the same time, the international fashion is more and more popular, brand of Chinese fashion faces strictly test. How to enhance the Chinese local fashion brand and how to seize market share of Chinese local fashion promotion strategy seems imminent for enterprise of fashion brand in China.
This paper discussed the status of China's domestic fashion brands branding and problems, and development status of EP Ya Ying. Then the paper analyzed brand development strategy of EP Ya Ying by questionnaire analysis and provide the improvement advise for brand promotion of EP Ya Ying with the help of SWOT analysis. The main contents are as follows:
Chapter One introduced the background and significance, reviewed the research status of the paper and presented main contents of the paper. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Chapter Two described the basic concepts and theory of brand development.
Chapter three analyzed both the current development situation and problems of fashion brand in China.
Chapter Four analyzed the current development situation with question analysis and provided brand development problems of EP Ya Ying.
Chapter V pointed out the status of brand strategy of EP Ya Ying with SWOT analysis and provided improvement suggestion. 
Chapter VI summarized the main conclusion.
Keywords: EP Ya Ying;Chinese local fashion;Branding Strategy

摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章  绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究目的及意义    2
1.3研究现状    3
1.3.1服装业的发展策略方面    3
1.3.2时装行业发展现状方面    4
1.3.3品牌网络推广方面    4
1.4主要研究内容    4 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
第二章 时装品牌推广相关理论    6
2.1 品牌的内涵    6
2.2品牌推广的内涵    6
2.3中国本土时装的内涵    6
2.4品牌推广三元论      7
2.4.1基本概念     7
2.4.2“品牌推广三元论”内容    7
2.4.3“品牌推广三元论”阶段分析    7
第三章 中国本土时装品牌推广现状及问题分析    9
3.1 中国本土时装品牌推广发展现状    9
3.1.1利用电视广告推广    9
3.1.2利用基本的网络推广    9
3.1.3利用时尚类杂志推广    9
3.1.4利用实体店形象推广    10
3.1.5利用明星效应推广    10
3.2 中国本土时装品牌推广存在的问题    11
3.2.1推广渠道缺乏创新性    11
3.2.2新媒体营销缺乏针对性    11
第四章 EP雅莹品牌推广效果分析    13


    4.1 EP雅莹品牌简介    13
4.2 EP雅莹现有推广策略    13
4.2.1专卖店形象展示推广    14
4.2.2与明星合作时尚大片推广    14
4.2.3赞助电视剧推广    15
4.2.4网络推广    15
4.3 EP雅莹品牌推广效果的调研    17
4.3.1调查目的    17
4.3.2调查问卷的设计思路    17
4.3.3调查问卷的发放与回收    17
4.4调研结果的统计与分析    17
4.4.1被调查者基本信息分析    17
4.4.2购买服装倾向分析    19
4.4.3 EP雅莹品牌的相关调查分析    21
4.4.4推广途径探索分析    23
4.4.5交叉分析    24
第五章 EP雅莹品牌推广策略的分析及改进建议    28
5.1 EP雅莹品牌SWOT分析    28
5.2 EP雅莹品牌推广策略的改进建议    29
5.2.1线下推广策略    29 [来源:http://think58.com]
5.2.2线上推广策略    30
第六章 结论与展望    32
6.1研究结论    32
6.2研究不足与展望    32
参考文献    33
附件    37
致谢    39 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]